Wednesday, April 24, 2013

A 100 Square Foot Backyard Cabin Retreat/Entertainment Center

Below is a link where you can find plans for this cabin for FREE, there's no bathroom, but I always felt you could add on a little bump out off the back and take care of that very easily and affordably- either way, its a cool little backyard guest house, office, or art space. 

Not a full-out house, or lived in permanently, but it has that potential....

Here's a great looking spin on the "MD100 Cabin" (Modular Dwelling- 100 Square Feet)- an Edgar Blazona design. I can't recall where I found this one months ago, but I'll keep digging.....its 10' by 10' though, and decked out more than with any other "MD100" I've seen.

Readymade Magazine (R.I.P.) debuted this plan set years ago, and its now open source/free. At the time, it was $1500 to build.

Free Plans Link: 

Again, when I find out who built it, and their blog link, I'll be sure to post it- meanwhile, if you know, toss it in the comments section below....Thanks!
-Derek "Deek" Diedricksen